Software’s company

  • Windows XP Professional, Windows 7
  • Package Microsoft Office 2007
  • Graphics program Corel Draw
  • QGIS, gvSIG for the management of geographic information (GIS, Geografic Information System)
  • Complete Package Geostru
  • Sonic for sonic and ultrasonic tests processing.
  • SDMT Elab 4.9.9 for seismic dilatometer tests.
  • Rayfract 3.16 for seismic refraction processing and seismic tomography.
  • Pickwin and Plotrefa for seismic refraction processing and seismic tomography.
  • Geopsy pack for seismic refraction data processing, MASW and HVSR.
  • WinDownhole 4.1.21 for seismic hole processing surveys.
  • SWAN 1.4 for MASW (Multi-Channel Analysis Surface Waves) and Re.Mi. (Refraction Microtremor) processing.
  • Grilla 6.1 analysis of vibration of the structure – Analysis HVSR to estimate the frequencies of vibration.
  • Visual Sunt 21 seismic reflection data processing.
  • Ertlab Solver – Release 1.3.1 – 2D and 3D electrical tomography processing, induced polarization and spontaneous potentials.
  • Res1D Inv – Res2D Inv 3:55 – SEO and SEV processing and electrical tomography.
  • Rexel, Strata, ERA 1D-dimensional programs modeling for local seismic response (RSL).